Humanities Track

This is a stock photo. A Quechua family sitting on a ledge looking out. This is a stock photo. A Quechua family sitting on a ledge looking out.
The University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences is proud to introduce its newest undergraduate program.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Global Health Studies

As the world deals with the aftermath of COVID-19, the Global Health Studies (GHS) program prepares students to work, learn, and lead in a recovering post-pandemic society.

The undergraduate major in Global Health Studies offers a truly interdisciplinary academic experience. Coursework for this major includes local and global aspects of health: medicine, prevention, policy, faith, environment, culture, society, and research. Students have multiple pathways available to craft a unique course of study that prepares them for any number of opportunities after graduation, including medical or nursing school, doctoral study, or employment in the non-profit, government, or private sectors.

Please note: Courses may not be double-counted. For example, a course that you take to satisfy the Methods requirement may not also count towards your Elective count.

Track In Humanities

The Humanities Track provides students with insight into the human condition, including how we experience health, illness, medical care, and death. Doctors and nurses look to the humanities for foundations in ethical treatment, compassionate care, and patient narratives. Those outside the healthcare field need to understand connections between the historical aspects of health and medicine and the modern-day practices we face in a post-pandemic society: faith, loss, healing, and recovery.

Students in this track dive deeply into the historical and cultural significance of health and medicine, through the lenses of religion, philosophy, ethics, gender, history, literature, art, and music.

Senior Thesis (Undergraduate)

Undergraduate students looking to complete a senior thesis instead of an internship should register for GHS 499 Senior Thesis (3 credits) with the approval of the GHS Director. Click here to download the syllabus for GHS 499. Also, please download the Independent Study timeline to ensure you are following the appropriate processes. Because the GHS program is an interdisciplinary program, students should seek faculty senior thesis advisors/mentors based on their GHS track (humanities, social science, or policy).

Capstone (Undergraduate)

Undergraduate students looking to complete an internship should register for GHS 590 Global Health Internship (1-6 credits).

Important Information:

  • One credit of internship is equivalent to 50 hours of work on the internship site.  All students must keep a log of their hours.
  • Undergraduate students must complete the GHS 590 Internship Agreement. Click here to download the syllabus for GHS 590.
  • Graduate students must complete the Internship Contract prior to enrolling in GHS 890.  Upon completion of the internship, all graduate students must submit their Internship Completion Certificate to the Assistant Dean.


We encourage students to visit Handshake latest info on internship offerings.  Also, GHS students can look for internships by searching the following websites:

Accordion Group

Track in Humanities

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  • Required Core Course

    GHS 201 - Introduction to Global Health

  • Methods Course (Choose 1)

    GHS 310 - Hospital Ethnography

    PSY 292 - Introduction to Biobehavioral Statistics for Non-Majors

    GEG 306 - Geographic Research Methods

    SOC 210 - Introduction to Social Research

  • Policy Course (Choose 1)

    INS 201 - Globalization and Change in World Politics

    INS 572 - Global Health Policy and Ethics

    SOC 321 - Applied Health Policy

    Speak with the program director when selecting a policy course. 

  • Track Required Courses (6-9 Credits)

    CLA 233 - Ancient Medicine

    PHI 334 - Biomedical Ethics

    REL 161 - Religions and Medicine: Healthcare as a Spiritual Practice

    REL 360 - Religion and Bioethics

  • Track Elective Courses (9-12 Credits)

    APY 421 - Interpreting Bodies

    APY 202 - Principles of Cultural Anthropology 

    APY 320 - The Evolution of Language 

    APY 385 - Caribbean Cultures

    APY 397 - Violence and Ritual 

    APY 421 - Interpreting Bodies 

    APY 501 - Methods of Anthropological Research

    CLA 211 - Medical Terminology

    CLA 222 - Sexuality and Gender in the Ancient World

    CLA 225 - Magic and the Occult in Antiquity

    CLA 231 - Sciences in Ancient Greek and Rome

    CLA 233 - Ancient Medicine*

    ENG 240 - Literature and Medicine

    GHS 301 - Sociocultural Foundations of Global Health

    GHS 310 - Hospital Ethnography 

    GHS 330 - Topics in Global Health Studies: Humanities

    GHS 430 - Advanced Seminar in Global Health Studies: Humanities 

    GHS 440 - Global Health Response to Disasters: From Management to Recovery and Reconstruction

    GSS 201 - Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies

    GSS 315 - Gender, Race, and Class

    GSS 335 -  LGBTQ Communities 

    GSS 347 - Issues in Reproductive Medicine

    GSS 348 - Mental Illness, Gender, and Psychiatry

    GSS 361 - Gender and Language

    GSS 405 - Gender and Sexuality in Cultural Context 

    HIS 330 - Scientific Revolution

    HIS 351 - Science and Society

    INS 359 - Culture, Civilizations and Religion in International Relations 

    LAS 301 - Interdisciplinary Topics in Latin American and Caribbean Studies 

    LAS 302 - Interdisciplinary Topics in Latin American and Caribbean Studies - Travel Course 

    MLL 322 - Topics in Comparative Cultural Studies 

    MLL 330 - Comparative Topics in Gender and Sexuality

    MLL 340 - Migration Studies 

    MLL 360 - The Caribbean through Literary and Cultural Studies 

    MLL 370 - Studies in Literature and Cultural Studies 

    PHI 106 - Introduction to Philosophy and Health Sciences

    PHI 238 - Environmental Ethics

    PHI 241 - Histrory and Philosophy of Science

    PHI 334 - Biomedical Ethics*

    PHY 546 - Evidence and Knowledge in Medicine

    PSY 445 - Cultural Values, Religiosity, and Mental Illness (prerequisite PSY 292)

    REL 161 - Religion and Medicine*

    REL 345 - Religion and Gender

    REL 351 - Religious Issues in Death and Dying

    REL 352 - Religion and Science

    REL 360 - Religion and Bioethics

    REL 364 - Spiritual Healing in the Americas from Controversy to Cure 

    SPA 433 - Medical, Cultural and Bioethical Debates in Spanish

  • Capstone Options (3 Credits)

    The capstone experience must focus on issues/experiences related to global or planetary health. Students will be able to choose between the following capstone experiences:

    • Senior Thesis 
    • Internship
